

Price: £85



A huge misconception with Dermaplaning is that the treatment encourages the hair to grow back darker and thicker then before.This is where we LOVE to educate people on the actual facts. We are not changing the stature of the hair ,therefore,the hair will continue to grow as it was before. Terminal hair are thick ,dense hairs that are often deeply pigmented so they appear much darker then villus hair.They also have deeper follicles then villus hair so they start to growing from further down in the dermis.Woman develop excessive body or facial hair due to higher then normal level of androgens, including testosterone.This is common in over 30’s. Hormonal hair should be waxed, tweezed or threaded.
(Dermaplaning removes 3 times more dead skin cells then a microdermabrasion, diminish fine lines, stimulates collagen synthesis creates healthy glow and radiant complexation)